Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Culminating Conundrom

I have today off because of the all day C&OR Conference on Saturday (geesh). So I'm sure you think that means sitting around all day, lounging, relaxing, clearing my DVR box...right? WRONG! It means sitting in my diningroom (which is not my favorite place because it receives absolutely NO natural light, but happens to be the only place I can truly focus on writing comfortably without distractions.....hence in the computer room right now and blogging), and writing, writing, writing until my carpel tunnel begs for mercy. Its culminating activity time - no, not thesis, but comps. Still tons and tons and tons of writing. This is the price you pay for getting an advanced degree -they are truly making me work for it. But it's cool. Only 8 more months to go and then I'm done and we're gonna party like it's 1999 - more on that to come!

Anyway, just wanted to check in and say hey, I'm sad and writing while the rest of the world is living life. Ok, ok, I am gonna make myself a nice (and nutricious (a-la back on program with WW)) breakfast and watch just ONE episode of house hunters from my DVR. I will leave 90210, The Office, and GG untouched. And I know I said I was casting off GG as it failed to fill the void left by the OC, but I caught a glimpse last week and it was kinda saucy! So I'm giving it another go! God I can't wait for The Game to return - my current television line-up is SEVERELY lacking pigmentation!